Firm News

August 21, 2024 - Congratulations to TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. for patiently and now successfully mediating and resolving a two-and-a-half-year multi-party commercial dispute venued in Nassau County.  Pending Supreme Court, Nassau County's anticipated approval of the parties' contemplated structured settlement, further contentious litigation involving the parties will now be avoided, thereby easily saving them at least tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and related transaction costs.  With G-d's help, a tenacious and determined "never gave up" positive mental attitude, and much-appreciated assistance of the parties and their counsel at various intervals, Mr. Weinreb was able to close an initial $600,000+ gap and break multiple impasses in resolving this matter over approximately seven months.

June 2, 2024 - Along with his nephew, Mendy Weinreb (who took the adjacent photo), Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb marches in the Israel Day on 5th Tribute (f/k/a "Israel Day Parade" and "Salute to Israel Parade") in support  of American Friends of Magen David Adom ("AFMDA").  MDA is an organization of over 33,000 volunteer EMTs and paramedics dedicated to providing disaster relief, ambulance, and blood services throughout  Israel.  The support of American and other donors empowers it to build or renovate medical stations, develop innovative medical technologies, and train paramedics in the latest and greatest rescue techniques, thereby saving lives in Israel every day.

January 8, 2024 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Best wishes for a blessed, happy, healthy, productive, prosperous, successful, and wonderful 2024 to all!  As a Jewish New Year greeting goes, "May last year and its curses end as the new year and its blessings begin!" 

Stay strong, safe, and warm!

May 16, 2023 - TWLF is pleased to present Venmo® as a new electronic payment option!  Affiliated with PayPal®, a well-known electronic payment service, Venmo® is a secure, convenient electronic payment platform.  Click the image to the left or here to experience the amazing convenience!

September 6, 2023 - Congratulations to TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. for negotiating an amicable, efficient, and expeditious resolution to a six-year dispute concerning the return of a five-figure down payment between TWLF's client, a Kings County real estate purchaser, and the sellers' attorney, all while preventing unnecessary litigation in the process.  With G-d's help as well as the good faith and honor of the parties, Mr. Weinreb was able to resolve this matter within fifty days of TWLF's retention in July 2023. 

December 22, 2022 - Congratulations to TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq., who, in serving as defense counsel to a New York limited liability company in a Supreme Court, Nassau County multi-party real estate litigation having a potential amount-in-controversy of $3,000,000, faciliated settlement of the litigation.  The latter lasted for approximately one-and-a-half years and involved approximately six months' worth of negotiations.

December 15, 2022 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. is featured on "A Touch of Judaism", a local Internet broadcast/podcast where guests who are experts in their fields of Judaic studies dive deep into inspiring and thought-provoking topics.  Mr. Weinreb, who has taught many students Torah reading skills over approximately thirty years, spoke on the topic of "Preparing for One's Bar Mitzvah Parasha [Torah Portion]".  Click here to access the podcast, and click here to access a podcast recorded the next day on the topic of "Ashkenazic vs Sephardic Modes of Expressionfrom Rabbi Joseph Azose, ritual and spiritual leader of the Sephardic Minyan [Jewish prayer assembly] at Congregation Anshei Shalom

December 9, 2022 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. finishes twelve days of service on a Supreme Court, Nassau County jury in a medical malpractice action.  While many people (especially attorneys) eschew jury service on account of the time and financial sacrifices involved in the process, Mr. Weinreb found the direct, "hands on" experience of serving as a juror to be both fascinating and invaluable with respect to TWLF's ADR practice.

October 25, 2022 - Congratulations to TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq., who, in serving as a neutral Part 146 court-appointed mediator, assisted two Nassau County law firms and their respective principals in resolving a contentious dispute that featured a six-figure amount-in-controversy, numerous and varied claims and affirmative defenses, third-party claims, and a pending motion and cross-motion for summary judgment.

September 1, 2022 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, in his capacity as Co-Chair of The New York County Lawyers Association's ("NYCLA") Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") Committee, delivers the following farewell message. 


The past three years have been a whirlwind in so many ways.  When [Co-Chair] Chris [Fladgate] and I first took charge of the Committee in October 2019, we had modest aspirations for it, which largely consisted of reviving it from a state of dormancy.  With [Vice-Chair] Nelson [Timken] coming on board in late 2019, we started down that path with an innovative CLE event on faith-based dispute resolution that took place in February 2020.


Ironically, one month later, as the pandemic brutally intensified, we quickly came to realizealong with our colleagues, families, and friendsthat we needed our respective faiths more than ever.  In this regard, I will never forget reciting the Hebrew names of 844 people stricken by COVID on Passover Eve 2020 as part of a prayer for the sick and wondering as the recitation stretched on whether that Passover would be my last.  (For those wondering, BTW, how long it took, it was 32 minutes of nonstop reading).


But for the Committee to continue to flourish amidst the adversity brought on by COVID, faith alone was not sufficient.  We needed drive and esprit de corps as well to accompany that faith.  Bari Chase, Daler Radjabov, and their NYCLA CLE Department colleagues, capably supported by NYCLA's many officers of all ranks, were there every step of the wayand still are to this dayto provide that drive and esprit de corps (in addition to prodigious CLE materials and technology resources), as evidenced by the THOUSANDS (and this is not an exaggeration by any means) of e-mail messages that Chris, Nelson, and I exchanged with them.


All in all, together and in cyberspace, we accomplished a great dealincluding running at least 15 CLE events . . . and 8 ADR trainingsall while overcoming difficult internal and external challenges (with some such as the thorny issue of neutral compensation still yet to be overcome). 


Throughout our collective journey, we met people from all over the globe, including but not limited to Barbara Wilson, a highly experienced mediator from the United Kingdom, and Len Hickey, CEO of Litigaze, a decision tree SaaS company, who Zoomed in . . . from Australia just last week.


We also "leveled up" in various ways.  I now have ten ADR panel certifications/memberships under my belt, including three AAA designations (Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Mediator, and Consumer Arbitrator) and an Appellate Division, Second Department Special Master designation, Chris and Nelson both became Fellows of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators members after passing rigorous examinations, and Nelsonunquestionably and most impressively as far as ADR accomplishments are concernedearned an LL.M in dispute resolution from Fordham University School of Law.  Dalerunquestionably and most impressively as far as any accomplishment in the world is concernedbecame a father two minutes before the conclusion of the summer 2021 16-hour Advanced Divorce Mediation Training (which is my counter-experience to the recitation of the 844 names discussed above).


We further forged and cemented many new connections in the New York Unified Court System from ADR Coordinators to Appellate Division Special Masters to members of the judiciary too numerous to list here. 


In addition, we recruitedand still continue to recruit--the best of the best ADR practitioners from around the worldwho are also too numerous to list hereto share their wisdom and insight with us, and we were incredibly fortunate to have the late Chuck Newman, Esq., of blessed memory, join us for several of our programs. 


And last but certainly not least, in February, we outbid renowned and respected private ADR providers and bar associations to become [the] designated STATEWIDE Part 137 [Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Resolution Program] arbitration training provider.


In short, we've seen and experienced first-hand the ADR Committee's development and evolutionall with G-d's ever-present assistancefrom virtual non-existence into the powerhouse institution that it is today.  It has been an amazing journey, and while in just over 48 hours, I will no longer be steering the proverbial ship, I know that it is in extremely capable hands and am confidently optimistic that with the continued dedication of the Committee's leadership, NYCLA, and youour esteemed Committee membersthe best is still yet to come.

UPDATE - May 30, 2022 - On this Memorial Day, it is appropriate to honor not only the memories of our nation's valiant heroes but the memory of Charles "Chuck" M. Newman, Esq., an international ADR giant who passed away earlier this month.  Chuck (pictured to the right) was an exemplary panelist at several New York County Lawyers Association ("NYCLA") ADR Committee CLE programs, including but not limited to the one described below.  In addition to being endowed with an extraordinary IQ, he had an outstanding EIQ (emotional intelligence quotient), practicing altruism, selflessness, and genuine caring throughout his life (and now beyond via his written publications and audiovisual presentations).


In honor of Chuck's memory, NYCLA's CLE Department has made the non-CLE version of the January 6th program described belowone of Chuck's lastavailable to the general public.  Click here or head over to TWLF's YouTube channel to view this amazing, groundbreaking program featuring Chuck (among other ADR superstars) in its entirety.  (To purchase the 4-credit CLE version from NYCLA, please click here). 


January 6, 2022 - NYCLA's Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") Committee, of which TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb is Co-Chair, holds an educational and entertaining Continuing Legal Education Program, entitled "Breaking the Impasse in Private & Court Mediations."  


In addition to Mr. Weinreb, the program's faculty included Simeon BaumAlida CampPierre F. de Ravel d’EsclaponChristopher FladgateDorothy C. KaldiStephen A. HochmanCharles M. NewmanFederica Romanelli, and Nelson E. Timken.  Using different roleplaying scenarios, some of the program faculty acted out how they would handle impasse in both the private and court-annexed mediation settings, and the remainder provided discussion and critique of the methods used after each reenactment. 


The full program should be available for on-demand purchase from NYCLA in several weeks after editing of video footage has been completed.  For now, please click here to download the five roleplay scenarios that Mr. Weinreb authored for use at the program and here for Simeon Baum's closing remarks on TWLF's YouTube channel.

May 19, 2022 - In conjunction with a number of judges and esteemed practitioners, Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, along with NYCLA ADR Committee Co-Chair Christopher Fladgate and Vice-Chair (and now newly-minted Fordham LL.M.) Nelson E. Timken serves as an encore panelist at NYCLA's 45th annual Civil Trial Practice Institute on the topic of "Preparing for Trial, Conference, Settlement, or Mediation."  A copy of their PowerPoint presentation, entitled "The Basics of Part 146 Court-Annexed ADR", can be accessed by clicking on the previous link or by going to the Resources & Articles page.

February 23, 2022 - The New York County Lawyers Association's ("NYCLA") Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") Committee, of which TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb is Co-Chair, sponsors an all-day, STATEWIDE virtual arbitration training focusing upon attorney-client fee dispute arbitration attended by more than seventy-five (75) prospective attorney and non-attorney arbitrators.  See the program homepage at "Joint Committee On Fee Disputes & Conciliation Part 137 Program: Fee Dispute Arbitration Training - Focus On Part 137 Arbitrations" for a complete listing of all of the judicial districts and counties throughout New York State encompassed by this groundbreaking program.


In addition to Mr. Weinreb, the program's faculty included Simeon BaumAnthe Maria BovaTheodore ChengBobby CodjoeLynn ColeChristopher FladgateMartha E. GiffordMansi KarolAmy M. Pontillo, Harold Rubin, Lewis TesserRandall TesserNelson E. Timken, and Jeffrey T. Zaino.  



January 26, 2022 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, in his capacity as Co-Chair of The New York County Lawyers Association's ("NYCLA") Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") Committee, presents "Finding Peace of Mind: Settlement Conference Guidance for Special Masters."  This continuing legal education presentation for NYCLA's Special Masters (a/k/a volunteer judicial assistants) focused on the differences between settlement conferences and mediation and the use of neutral evaluation combined with mediation as a means for conducting judicially-supervised settlement conferences in New York courts.  Click here to download the presentation.

January 16, 2022 - In conjunction with Barry Rosenstock, a friend and congregant of Congregation Anshei Shalom, TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb runs an online trivia tournament fundraiser to benefit the West Hempstead Chamber of Commerce.  Congratulations to Karl Riesterer and the rest of the gang at Riesterer's Bakery and Cake Gallery (image below) on winning the first place prize of a $150 Amazon Gift Certificate and free membership in the West Hempstead Chamber of Commerce for 2022!

January 2, 2022 - Best wishes for a blessed, happy, healthy, productive, prosperous, successful, and wonderful 2022 to all (and let's all hope and pray that the new year will certainly be better than 2021).  As a Jewish New Year greeting goes, "May last year and its curses end as the new year and its blessings begin!"  Stay strong and safe!

December 9, 2021 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb co-hosts a meeting of The New York County Lawyers Association's Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") Committee featuring special guest speaker Mirna Martinez Santiago, Esq., an attorney with more than twenty-five years of legal experience who focuses on diversity, inclusion, and the elimination of bias ("DIEB").  Ms. Santiago gave an extremely comprehensive and informative presentation to the Committee's members and invited guests on DIEB issues in the judicial system and legal/ADR environments.  After speaking for approximately eighty minutes, she graciously stayed on to answer audience questions.  Ms. Santiago's presentation, which can be viewed if you are a member of the ADR Committee or are an otherwise authorized viewer by clicking here, was very well-received, and the ADR Committee looks forward to inviting her to speak again soon.

Upon the conclusion of Ms. Santiago's Q/A session, Committee Co-Chair and TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. spoke for approximately twenty minutes on the relationship between fair compensation for New York neutrals participating in court-annexed ADR programs and DIEB.

July 15 and 26, 2021 - Continuing with a tradition of creative, innovative, and practical CLE events, NYCLA’s ADR Committee held two very well-attended CLE presentations this month: International Arbitration: What Attorneys Need to Know and Mediation Ethics and Practice: East vs. West, New York and California.  The latter program, which was produced in conjunction with the Beverly Hills Bar Association, was made available to the public in late August on the organization's YouTube channel.


TWLF Managing Member and NYCLA ADR Committee Co-Chair Elan E. Weinreb, Co-Chair Christopher Fladgate, Esq., and Vice-Chair Nelson E. Timken, Esq. coordinated, moderated, and/or organized both programs. 

The presentation featured an all-star faculty of Martin Gusy, Esq.Grant Hanessian, Esq.Marek Krasula, Esq.Luis Martinez, Esq.Richard Mattiaccio, Esq.Rekha Rangachari, Esq.Josefa Sicard-Mirabal, Esq., and Nancy Thevenin, Esq.  Many of these renowned arbitrators teach advanced courses at local law schools. 

The "East vs. West" CLE presentation featured Cynthia Boyce, Esq. and Stephen Sonnenberg, Esq. discussing New York mediation ethics and practice and Jeff Kichaven, Esq., and Phyllis Pollack, Esq. discussing California mediation ethics and practice.  Glenn Gottlieb, Esq. and Adam Porter, Esq. of the Beverly Hills Bar Association also served as additional moderators of the program. 

June 4, 6, 11, and 13, 2021 - TWLF Managing Member and NYCLA ADR Committee Co-Chair Elan E. Weinreb once again assists in organizing NYCLA's "Part 146-Approved Advanced Divorce Mediation Training," a four, half-day Friday and Sunday advanced online divorce mediation training course designed for attorneys previously trained as mediators wishing to expand their practice into the field of divorce mediation.  Led by Prof. Robert Kirkman Collins of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, the course covered the basics of New York divorce law and explored a systematic approach to applying forty specific mediation techniques to overcome challenges presented by divorcing couples.  In addition, the program covered how to aid these couples in reaching detailed consensus on issues regarding the parenting of their children, equitable distribution of property and liabilities, division of retirement assets, responsibilities for basic and extraordinary child expenses, spousal assistance, health insurance coverage, tax questions, the strategic timing of divorce, drafting settlement agreements, and how to obtain an uncontested divorce decree.  


Thanks once again to Prof. Collins and his "terrific three" facilitators--Dorothy Kaldi, Esq.Charles M. Newman, Esq., and Sheryl-Anne Sastow, Esq.--and special thanks to NYCLA's own "terrific three" CLE Institute officers--Director Bari Chase, Esq., Program Assistant James Miller, and Legal Technology Operations Manager Daler Radjabov, Esq. (whose wife, believe-it-or not, brought their son into the world mid-program at 4:57 p.m. on June 13th)--for an educational, entertaining, memorable, and phenomenal program!

May 27, 2021 - NYCLA Vice President Adrienne Koch presents NYCLA’s ADR Committee and Supreme Court Committee with the Kobak Prize/Award for their CLE program on “How We Kept Things Running During the Pandemic: Award Presentation and Program”, held on March 4, 2021.  The Kobak Prize is selected by NYCLA's President-Elect and is awarded to NYCLA Regular or Special Committees, Sections, or Task Forces that have developed programs or projects which have been innovative, of high quality, and have had or are likely to have an impact on the betterment of the law, our judicial system or NYCLA itself.  The award consists of a cash group prize. 

Congratulations to TWLF Managing Member and NYCLA ADR Committee Co-Chair Elan E. Weinreb, Co-Chair Christopher Fladgate, Esq., Vice-Chair Nelson E. Timken, Esq. and Supreme Court Committee Co-Chairs Alyssa Goldrich, Esq. and Russell D. Morris, Esq.  for this impressive honor!



April 22, 2021 - In conjunction with a number of judges and esteemed practitioners, Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb serves as a panelist at NYCLA's 44th annual Civil Trial Practice Institute on the topic of "Skills & Ethics - Preparing for Trial, Conference, Settlement, and Mediation."  A copy of his PowerPoint presentation, entitled "The Basics of Part 146 Court-Annexed ADR", can be found on the Resources & Articles page.

April 1, 2021 - The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution ("CPR"), a renowned international Alternative Dispute Resolution provider, welcomes Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb to its Panels of Distinguished Neutrals as an arbitrator and mediator (New York City ADR Panel).  Mr. Weinreb is thrilled to be part of this wonderful organization!

UPDATE - March 23, 2021 - The CLE roundtable discussion following presentation of the awards described below, which includes an interesting response from New York State Unified Court System personnel on mediator compensation for New York mediators serving in court-annexed mediation programs, is now available for purchase from NYCLA.  If you are interested in lobbying for a New York mediator compensation enabling statute, please visit the "Contact Us" page and use the form there to send TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. a message indicating your interest.


March 4, 2021 - The New York County Lawyers Association's ADR and Supreme Court Committees Honor New York Unified Court System Personnel - On a memorable Thursday evening, March 4, 2021, members of the New York Unified Court System were honored at an award ceremony and program for their invaluable service in promoting and otherwise making ADR and Online Dispute Resolution ("ODR") initiatives, options and services accessible during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The awards--in a not-too-subtle nod to The Oscars--were called the ODRs (pronounced "Odders") in recognition of the tremendous expansion of Online Dispute Resolution occasioned by the pandemic.


The event was sponsored by NYCLA’s ADR Committee, Supreme Court Committee, and the American Arbitration Association.  ADR Committee Co-Chair and TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq., Co-Chair Christopher Fladgate, Esq., and Vice-Chair Nelson E. Timken, Esq. served as moderators of the event along with Supreme Court Committee Co-Chairs Alyssa Goldrich, Esq. and Russell D. Morris, Esq.  Clara Gross, a student member of the ADR Committee, also served as a moderator.

The Hon. Deborah A. Kaplan, J.S.C. received the Group Excellence Award for her remarkable leadership during the COVID-19 crisis.  Members of her team receiving individual Excellence awards were Simone Abrams, Deborah Edelman, Kevin Egan, Michele Kern-Rappy, Joan Levenson, Jean Norton, Denis Reo, Vincent Riccobene, Loren Schwartz, Peter Sorrento, Miles Vigilante and Sam Wilkenfeld.


In addition, several Office of Court Administration officials received ODRs.  Lisa Courtney received the Education Award, Lisa Denig received the Pioneer Award, Amy Pontillo was the recipient of the Leadership Award, Carol Swidler was recognized with the Resilience Award, and Daniel Weitz received the Visionary Award.


Following the ceremony, Jeffrey T. Zaino, Esq., Vice President, Commercial Division American Arbitration Association and several of the honorees, including but not limited to Justice Kaplan, Dan Weitz, and Lisa Courtney, participated in a panel discussion on how they and other Unified Court System personnel kept things running during the pandemic.  The panelists also discussed the future of ADR and ODR in the post COVID-19 era.

February 19, 2021 - "Of Pandemic and Perseverance: NYCLA’s ADR Committee Makes Lemonade Out of Lemons in 2020" - In an inspiring article published on (printer-friendly version available here), the New York County Lawyers Association's Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee's Co-Chair, TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq., Co-Chair, Christopher Fladgate, Esq., and Vice-Chair, Nelson E. Timken, Esq., recount the Committee's many activities, events, and programs run throughout 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

January 4, 2021 - Best wishes for a blessed, happy, healthy, productive, prosperous, successful, and wonderful 2021 to all (and let's all hope and pray that the new year will certainly be better than 2020).  As a Jewish New Year greeting goes, "May last year and its curses end as the new year and its blessings begin!"  Stay strong and be safe! 

December 15, 2020 - Exciting news!  Capping off a blockbuster set of Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") events for November and the first-half of December 2020 for TWLF, Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, along with many other renowned ADR practitioners, the New York County Lawyer Association's ("NYCLA") ADR Committee, and NYCLA's incredible CLE staff, organizes and conducts a 15-CLE-credit inaugural combined arbitration and mediation training for NYCLA's Part 137 Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Resolution Program ("FDRP").  Please see the recently-updated Resources and Articles page for Mr. Weinreb's comprehensive PowerPoint presentation, "The Basics of Post-Pandemic Part 137 Mediation", and "Perpetual Motions", an innovative combined master class and group roleplay exercise, which are both available for download there.  Mr. Weinreb and his NYCLA ADR Committee colleagues, Christopher Fladgate, Esq. and Nelson Timken, Esq., very much look forward to working with NYCLA's General Counsel, Anthe Maria Bova, Esq., and the rest of the NYCLA Part 137 FDRP staff in continuing to revitalize and revamp NYCLA's FDRP to adapt to the "new normal" of post-pandemic Part 137 ADR/ODR (Online Dispute Resolution).

December 7, 2020 -  Expert panelists Joseph Bambara, Esq.Jess Bunshaft, Esq.Theo Cheng, Esq.Greg Cookethe Hon. Marilyn K. Genoa, Esq.Jennifer Lupo, Esq.Charles M. Newman, Esq., and Michael Starr, Esq., conclude "Starting and Maintaining a Successful ADR Practice in the Age of COVID-19 . . . and Beyond", a phenomenal two-part CLE series sponsored by NYCLA’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee.  Part 1 of this series, which "aired" on October 28, 2020, and which can be purchased here, focused on starting a post-pandemic ADR practice and covered, among other topics, qualifications/certification programs, incorporation, networking, mentoring, shadowing, accounting, and gaining experience.  Part 2 of the series, which "aired" on December 7, 2020, and which will be available for purchase from NYCLA in 2021, focused on maintaining an ADR practice and covered, among other topics, how COVID has changed ADR practice, confidentiality, cybersecurity, data security, insurance, and risk management.  The CLE materials for Parts 1 and 2 of this program can be downloaded here and here, respectively.

November 23, 2020 - In conjunction with other counsel, TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb settles a long-running civil litigation on behalf of a happy client involving parties physically located throughout the world and reaches for the first time in his life the Adobe Sign "ten signature" limit in preparing the various settlement documents.

November 12, 2020 - At an online/virtual meeting of NYCLA’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee led by Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, the Committee members and invited guests—approximately 40 people—had the honor of hearing three prestigious speakers from NAM (National Arbitration and Mediation)—Jacqueline Silvey, Esq., General Counsel, the Hon. John P. DiBlasi, J.S.C. (Ret.), Justice of the Supreme Court, Presiding Justice of the Commercial Division, and Richard P. Byrne, Esq., Commercial Law Specialist—discuss NAM's New York and national operations in the age of COVID and more generally, ADR in the age of COVID-19, including a trip inside "the mind of the mediator."  The speakers' presentations were not only informative but entertaining, timely, and well-received by all.  Click here to view a videorecording of the meeting.

November 10, 2020 - NYCLA’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committeeled by Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, puts on yet another groundbreaking CLE event: "Entrenchment Mediation Training: For Mediators in Court-Annexed Mediation Programs."   Introduced by Carol Swidler, Esq., Assistant Deputy Chief Appellate Court Attorney for the Appellate Division, Second Department, and Director of its Mandatory Mediation Program, an expert panel of six Appellate Division Special Masters--Mitchell Baker, Esq.Pierre F. de Ravel d'Esclapon, Esq.David A. Gallo, Esq.Philip Goldstein, Esq.Barbara M. Lerman, Esq., and Robyn D. Weisman, Esq.--discussed tips and techniques for handling entrenchment of parties and counsel in court-annexed mediation programs such as the Second Department's Mandatory Mediation Program, getting parties to invest in mediation from the beginning of the process and stay at the table, breaking the "90 minute barrier" to compensation established by some court-annexed programs, and getting past impasse to reach settlement.  The CLE materials for this program can be downloaded here.

October 15, 2020 - At an online/virtual meeting of NYCLA’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee led by Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, the Committee members and invited guests—over 100 people—had the honor of hearing Jeffrey T. Zaino, Esq., Vice President of the Commercial Division of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") discuss AAA operations in the age of COVID, arbitration and mediation opportunities in the New York metropolitan area, and what the AAA is looking for in prospective arbitrators and mediators seeking admission to its panels/rosters of neutrals.  His presentation was not only informative but entertaining and well-received.  Click here to view a videorecording of the meeting.

September 17, 2020 - Congratulations to Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb on having completed his first hybrid, online/virtual-in-person mediation out of upstate Goshen, New York.  Here's what one of the attorneys for the twelve parties involved in this complicated matter had to say about his experience:

It was a pleasure working with you in making this mediation happen.  We all realize it was a very difficult set of circumstances with the pandemic and the number of participants, as well as the necessity to resort to a virtual mediation environment.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated, and we thank you for your time and assistance.  I look forward to working with you in the future on other potential mediation matters.

August 14, 2020 - In his capacity as Co-Chair of the New York County Lawyers Association's Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, along with other renowned dispute resolution professionals, bar association dispute resolution leaders, and NYCLA's Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Department finishes the last part of a triple-feature CLE summer consisting of these programs, all of which were well-attended and received. 


  • June 25, 2020 - "Anatomy of a Virtual Mediation" (Faculty) - Organized by the Nassau County Bar Association, this program spotlighted Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for mediators and litigators.  Discussed topics included the benefits of mediation and best practices in the use of online mediation for attorneys, their clients, and mediators, with Mr. Weinreb playing the role of an embattled CEO in a demonstrative roleplay.  A videorecording of the presentation can be found here.
  • July 10 and 12, 2020 - "Part 146-Approved Advanced Divorce Mediation Training" (Organizer and Participant) - Mr. Weinreb assisted in organizing this all-day Friday and Sunday advanced online divorce mediation training course designed for attorneys previously trained as mediators wishing to expand their practice into the field of divorce mediation.  Led by Prof. Robert Kirkman Collins of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, the course covered the basics of New York divorce law and explored a systematic approach to applying forty specific mediation techniques to overcome challenges presented by divorcing couples.  In addition, the program covered how to aid these couples in reaching detailed consensus on issues regarding the parenting of their children, equitable distribution of property and liabilities, division of retirement assets, responsibilities for basic and extraordinary child expenses, spousal assistance, health insurance coverage, tax questions, the strategic timing of divorce, drafting settlement agreements, and how to obtain an uncontested divorce decree.  Please click here to view Mr. Weinreb's Certificate of Completion.
  • August 11, 12, and 14, 2020 - "Employment and Wage & Hour Mediation Training Program" (Organizer and Faculty) - This three half-day comprehensive CLE program, which is now available for purchase and on-demand viewing, involving over thirty-five separate speakers associated with renowned law firms and long-established ADR providers such as the American Arbitration Association and JAMS, provided attendees with substantive information and techniques needed to manage and resolve employment-related disputes.  In addition to providing significant assistance organizing the All-Star faculty, Mr. Weinreb joined this prestigious group on August 12, 2020, when he and three other panelists presented a program segment entitled "Virtual Mediation: Key Issues and Considerations."  Please click here to view this segment.

July 23, 2020 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb marks his fifth (and first double-feature) appearance on "Law You Should Know", a weekly Nassau Community College radio (WHPC 90.3 FM)  program hosted by attorney Kenneth J. Landau, Esq., in discussing Online Dispute Resolution in the Age of COVID-19   The broadcasts of the two shows, which aired on August 5 and 12, 2020, respectively, are available on TWLF's YouTube channel (click here).

July 8, 2020 - By invitation of Beth Polner Abrahams, Co-Chair of the New York State Bar Association's Mediation Committee of the Elder Law and Special Needs Section,  TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb delivers a well-received presentation on "Opportunities in Online Mediation."

June 12, 2020 - GROUNDBREAKING VIDEO ON THE MECHANICS OF ONLINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION - In his capacity as Co-Chair of the New York County Lawyers Association's Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, along with other renowned dispute resolution professionals, bar association dispute resolution leaders, and NYCLA's Continuing Legal Education Department, has produced a groundbreaking video on the mechanics of online dispute resolution featuring a mock online commercial mediation.  What distinguishes this video from many others is its focus and detailed illustration of Zoom videoconferencing features that are specifically used in online dispute resolution such as breakout room setups and sharing of mediator screens/applications.  

Click HERE to view the video, and special thanks to NYCLA for granting TWLF permission to make it publicly available.

March 23, 2020 - Congratulations to Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb on successfully conducting his first inter-state online commercial mediation session via Zoom videoconferencing software.

March 16, 2020 - Congratulations to Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb on conducting his first online teleconference commercial mediation session via

March 8, 2020 - UPDATE - A preview of the CLE program discussed below is now available on TWLF's YouTube Channel!  Click here to access it on TWLF's YouTube channel, and click here to purchase the program from NYCLA's "On Demand" CLE library.


February 4, 2020 - Congratulations to Manging Member Elan E. Weinreb on moderating, in conjunction with New York County Lawyers Association ("NYCLA") Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Co-Chair Christopher Fladgate and Vice-Chair Nelson E. Timken, an interesting, likely unprecedented, and well-received NYCLA Continuing Legal Education program entitled Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Dispute Resolution in the New York Metropolitan Area.  The program should be available for "on demand" viewing in approximately three weeks. 


Congratulations are also in order to Manging Member Elan E. Weinreb for the following January 2020 accomplishments: (1) acting as a defense advocate, settling a National Arbitration and Mediation real estate sales commission arbitration; (2) acceptance to the New York State Unified Court System Part 146 Supreme Court, Nassau County Commercial Division Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Roster of Neutrals as a mediator; and (3) earning designation as a Special Master with the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial Department's Mandatory Civil Appeals Mediation Program ("MCAMP").

November 14, 2019 - Congratulations to Manging Member Elan E. Weinreb on having become a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) public arbitrator.

UPDATE - November 7, 2019 - Click here to enjoy the presentation described below on TWLF's YouTube channel.


October 10, 2019 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. appears on the seventeenth episode of The LI Law Podcast, a popular podcast series, hosted by W. Zehava Schechter, Esq., to discuss alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") processes and options on Long Island with an emphasis on their many efficiencies over traditional litigation.  The show notes referenced in the podcast can be found by clicking here.

September 18, 2019 - President Stephen C. Lessard of the New York County Lawyers Association ("NYCLA") has appointed TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. as co-Chair of NYCLA's Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") Committee.  The committee has approximately 100 registered members and studies all matters affecting the field of arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and other forms of ADR.

July 10, 2019 - Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb discusses the Part 137 Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Resolution Program on "Law You Should Know", a weekly Nassau Community College radio (WHPC 90.3 FM)  program hosted by attorney Kenneth J. Landau, Esq The broadcast is available on TWLF's YouTube channel (click here).

July 12, 2019 - TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. and an incredibly determined and resolute client prevail in a post-appeal arbitration hearing that marked the final chapter in an almost year-long arbitration process managed by a distinguished New York professional association.

March 18, 2019 - Working with a team of defense attorneys from two other firms, TWLF Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, Esq. successfully settles a contentious dispute for five-hundred dollars ($500.00) in which the firm's client was originally facing liability exposure of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00).

January 2, 2019 - The Weinreb Law Firm, PLLC wishes all a happy, healthy, productive, successful, and otherwise wonderful new year!  Serving as mediator, Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb has successfully resolved another NYCLA Part 137 attorney-client fee dispute, bringing the total amount of Part 137 claims he has mediated to date to $130,595.39.

October 18, 2018 - Congratulations to The Weinreb Law Firm, PLLC on having received a 2018 Avvo Clients' Choice Award!  This award is earned by Avvo attorneys who receive five or more 4+ star client reviews in a calendar year.

October 7, 2018 - Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb attends the annual West Hempstead street fair, sponsored by The West Hempstead Chamber of Commerce ("WH Chamber").  As of September 12, 2017, TWLF is a member of the WH Chamber, and its official business listing can be found here


UPDATE - July 17, 2018 - The program described below aired on July 11, 2018 on WHPC.  In addition to being available on TWLF's YouTube channel (click here), it is now available on Itunes (click here).


May 31, 2018 - Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb discusses making and breaking contracts on "Law You Should Know", a weekly Nassau Community College radio (WHPC 90.3 FM)  program hosted by attorney Kenneth J. Landau, Esq.  

March 26, 2018 - Congratulations to Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb on obtaining a substantial five-figure judgment for a firm client at the conclusion of trial in a drawn-out litigation.

January 8, 2018 - Happy New Year!  Serving as mediator, Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb successfully resolves once again a contentious NYCLA Part 137 attorney-client fee dispute, marking the sixth time that he has done so over approximately the past two years.

December 28, 2017 - Ruling in favor of a firm client, Supreme Court, Nassau County grants a motion for a default judgment on liability in a drawn-out litigation.

November 13, 2017 - Serving as mediator, Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb successfully resolves a contentious NYCLA Part 137 attorney-client fee dispute, marking the fifth time that he has done so over approximately the past two years.

October 1, 2017 - Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb attends the annual West Hempstead street fair, sponsored by The West Hempstead Chamber of Commerce ("WH Chamber").  As of September 12, 2017, TWLF is a member of the WH Chamber, and its official business listing can be found here

September 12, 2017 - TWLF joins The West Hempstead Chamber of Commerce and speaks on the basics of commercial mediation.  Click here or the button below to download the presentation.

UPDATE - July 13, 2017 - The program described below aired on July 5, 2017 on WHPC.  Click here to hear the broadcast on YouTube!


May 18, 2017 - Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, in his capacity of co-Chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Promotional Council of the Nassau County Bar Association (NCBA), and Anna K. Mitchell, Esq., co-Chair of the New York County Lawyers Association's ADR Committee, discuss arbitration agreements on "Law You Should Know", a weekly Nassau Community College radio (WHPC 90.3 FM)  program hosted by attorney Kenneth J. Landau, Esq.

May 2, 2017 - TWLF obtains partial relief from an injunction affecting the business operations of a large corporate client.

March 1, 2017 - TWLF obtains CPLR 3126 discovery sanctions on behalf of a client involved in contentious litigation.

February 3, 2017 - Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb, in his capacity of co-Chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Promotional Council of the Nassau County Bar Association (NCBA), assists with authoring, editing, and publishing a new brochure describing the NCBA's Mediation and Arbitration Panels and the advantages of ADR.  Click here or on the button below to download the brochure:  

February 2, 2017 - Congratulations to Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb on a trial victory that resulted in thousands of dollars for a TWLF client!

January 8, 2017 - Happy New Year from The Weinreb Law Firm, PLLC!  Here's some good news to start out 2017: Managing Member Elan E. Weinreb has been certified as a New York Better Business Bureau (BBB) AUTO LINE arbitrator.  He looks forward to working with consumers, vehicle manufacturers, and regional BBB offices in resolving Lemon Law and vehicle warranty disputes covered by the AUTO LINE program.